On “Life: Embodied” we explore how an embodiment practice can support us in meeting the challenges of life. How can we surf the waves of life deeply anchored in the safety of our bodies? How can we learn to trust our capacity to be with intense sensations and emotions? How can we cultivate body awareness and why does it matter? Episodes include interviews with experts and practitioners that bring their knowledge and passion and share exercises that you can do at home or even on the road.

Episode #18

Simon ist Bewegungstrainer und hilft großen und kleinen Menschen, sich besser, freier freudiger und mutiger zu bewegen. In dieser Folge teilt Simon, wie ein Bandscheibenvorfall ihn körperlich und sozial herausforderte und wie sein Weg aus den Schmerzen raus aussah. Wir sprechen über die Risiken von Yoga, die trügerische Nestwärme im Elternhaus und wieso der Körper ungetroffene Entscheidungen nicht mag.

Episode #17

Menopause als Initiation? In dieser Folge sprechen Iva und ich über die Geschenke und Chancen des Älterwerdens. Diesmal auf Deutsch und dadurch noch unmittelbarer. Für alle, die in den Wechseljahren sind, eines Tages in die Wechseljahre kommen werden, oder mit Menschen in den Wechseljahren zu tun haben... also für alle!

Episode #16

Nadine bietet Massagen, Massageausbildungen, Frauenkreise, Schwitzhütten, Naturzeremonien und vieles mehr an. In dieser Folge sprechen wir darüber, wie "normal" und "natürlich" viele der Schwierigkeiten sind, die wir Menschen so haben, was das mit der Natur zu tun hat und wieso es bei der Steuererklärung hilft, die eigenen Beine zu fühlen.

Episode #15

Meet Iva, a versatile practitioner with expertise in sexological bodywork, tantric massage and cervix awakening. In this very personal episode, we delve into the fears many women deal with when it comes to aging. How can we embrace the aging process in a truly embodied manner? Iva shares insights applicable to people of all ages (and genders!) fostering a conversation that is as personal as it is universally relevant.

Episode #14

Iris is a certified Hormonal Health Coach, Functional Hormone Specialist, Orthomolecular Advisor and Birth Worker with an academic background in medical anthropology & women's studies. In this episode we talk about why so many people suffer from there menstrual cycle, what this has to do with collective stress and individual blood sugar levels, how to change it and why Iris went back to including animal products in her diet.

Episode #13

Dylan is an embodiment coach and the founder and teacher of the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Method. In this episode e talk about how to shift your state and what are the advantages and reservations to consider. We look at the paradox of the potentiality and impossibility of change. And then we get very practical and Dylan shares a wonderful demo for you to start exploring!

Episode #12

Jozef is an artist, dancer, choreorapher, movement researcher and trainer and co-founder of the Fighting Monkey Practice (with Linda Kapetanea). In this episode we talk about exploring problems with a playful and physical approach, the healing effects of body to body practice such as wrestling or rough and tumble play and why he can’t feel this body.

Episode #11

Florencia is the founder, facilitator and teacher of the Fluentbody™ Method. In this episode we talk about her journey from being a contemporary dancer to becoming a somatic therapist, the suppressed surprises her body brought her home to, what it needs for a somatic process to be safe and why she chose kindness as an embodied approach to life.

Episode #10

Former IT software technician and now wilderness immersion specialist, tree runner and movement coach Kyle Koch and I talk about getting to know yourself through play, how paying attention to nature creates a sense of belonging and why excitement and humility walk best hand in hand. I loved every bit of our conversation!

Episode #9

Daphna Mavor works with people suffering from gynecological diseases such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), fertility issues and endometriosis. In this episode we talk about menstrual healing, transgenerational trauma, collective feminine pain, and the curious Mitochondrial Eve. For everybody struggeling with painful periods or those who want to support others in a more meaningful way.

Episode #8

Dr. Matthew Tolstoy is a somatic experiencing practitioner, licensed pain rehab clinician and holds a doctor in Chinese Medicin and acupucture. In this episode we talk about psychological vs mechanical causes for physical pain, intuition vs triggered responses and how to shift from protection to adaptation. This episode is for you if you struggle with chronic pain or anxiety or work with people that do so.

Episode #7

Today's solo episode is all about limiting patterns. What are limiting patterns? What triggers them? How do they manifest on a physical level? And why are embodiment tools such a potent way to update outdated survival mechanisms? How can we identify limiting patterns in the body? In the end I will guide you through a mini-transformation process so you can get a taste of somatic therapy.

Episode #6

Mark Walsh is the founder of Embodiment Unlimited and teaches embodiment skills all around the world. His projects include “Sane Ukraine” where they teach trauma first aid tools to the people of Ukraine. In this episode we talk about how not everybody is going to like you (cause you’re not pizza), embodiment as a door to altered states of consciousness, the power of ritual and how to conquer social division with coming home to the body.

Episode #5

Eylam Langotsky is a somatic coach and attention management trainer. How does paying attention to our bodies initiate transformation? How can we engage in a constructive dialog with our bodies? Why is it so complicated to have a good relationship with our bodies? These are the questions we talk about in this episode. If you are looking for an intellectual and perceptual deep dive into embodiment and bodywork: Here you go!

Episode #4

Sophie is a practitioner and teacher of transformative bodywork. In this episode we talk about physical symptoms as a gateway to a more honest connection to ourselves, how to drop limiting beliefs and why we should trust in the constant transformation of Life, the Universe and Everything (to quote Douglas Adams).

Episode #3

Rafe Kelley is an athlete, trainer and the founder of "Evolve, move, play", where they empower people to move the way, humans were meant to.
In this Episode we talk about how to make your movement practice more meaningful, how he navigates the balance between discipline and selfcare, his thoughts on AI and the collective challenges humankind is facing.

Episode #2

Jamie Catto is a musician, filmmaker, author, and workshop facilitator based in Oxford, England.

In this Episode we talk about the thrill of the stage, intimacy, anxiety, men and women, money and his mission to reduce loneliness.

Episode #1

Today it’s just me, talking about the basics of bodywork, the language of touch and what embodiment actually means - at least to me. This is an introduction to lay a common ground for all of us that we can then move around on 🙂